Gold price today in Qatar in QAR

On this page, gold prices in Qatar are displayed in QAR currency. Gold prices in Qatar are updated and followed every 15 minutes with a chart of the change in the price of gold in Qatar over the past 30 days. Thus, you can follow the price of a gram of gold in Qatar periodically and continuously.

Gold prices today in financial markets in Qatar

Unit Price in QAR Price in USD
1 kg (24 karat) 316310.90 86898.60
Ounce (24 karat) 9838.37 2702.85
1 gm (24 karat) 316.32 86.90
1 gm (23 karat) 303.14 83.28
1 gm (22 karat) 289.96 79.66
1 gm (21 karat) 276.79 76.04
1 gm (18 karat) 237.22 65.17

Viewing the price of gold within a specific date helps you analyze historical data on the development of gold prices and may therefore help you make the appropriate decision in the event of buying, selling, or even keeping it.

Average prices in previous days in Qatar in QAR currency

Date Ounce 24 karat 23 karat 22 karat 21 karat 18 karat
2024-10-17 9797.44 315.01 301.87 288.76 275.62 236.24
2024-10-16 9731.94 312.89 299.86 286.83 273.76 234.67
2024-10-15 9690.95 311.58 298.59 285.59 272.64 233.69
2024-10-14 9640.39 309.95 297.02 284.10 271.22 232.45
2024-10-13 9671.83 310.97 298.01 285.05 272.09 233.21
2024-10-12 9671.83 310.97 298.01 285.05 272.09 233.21
2024-10-11 9671.04 310.93 297.97 285.01 272.05 233.21
2024-10-10 9571.60 307.73 294.91 282.10 269.25 230.81
2024-10-09 9492.59 305.18 292.47 279.77 267.03 228.88
2024-10-08 9538.04 306.67 293.89 281.12 268.34 229.98
2024-10-07 9620.77 309.33 296.44 283.56 270.63 231.98
2024-10-06 9659.20 310.56 297.61 284.68 271.73 232.92
2024-10-05 9659.20 310.56 297.61 284.68 271.73 232.92
2024-10-04 9653.41 310.35 297.42 284.50 271.58 232.78
2024-10-03 9670.26 310.89 297.93 285.01 272.05 233.18
2024-10-02 9680.20 311.22 298.26 285.30 272.31 233.43
2024-10-01 9687.06 311.44 298.48 285.49 272.53 233.58
2024-09-30 9586.85 308.24 295.39 282.54 269.69 231.18
2024-09-29 9676.70 311.11 298.15 285.19 272.24 233.32
2024-09-28 9676.70 311.11 298.15 285.19 272.24 233.32
2024-09-27 9658.65 310.53 297.61 284.65 271.73 232.89
2024-09-26 9727.12 312.75 299.72 286.69 273.66 234.56
2024-09-25 9672.66 311.00 298.04 285.08 272.13 233.25
2024-09-24 9680.76 311.26 298.26 285.30 272.34 233.43
2024-09-23 9563.94 307.47 294.66 281.88 269.07 230.63
2024-09-22 9544.39 306.85 294.08 281.30 268.49 230.16
2024-09-21 9544.39 306.85 294.08 281.30 268.49 230.16
2024-09-20 9541.17 306.74 293.97 281.19 268.41 230.08
2024-09-19 9416.63 302.74 290.14 277.51 264.92 227.06
2024-09-18 9312.27 299.39 286.90 274.46 261.97 224.55

The general indicator of gold prices (24 karat) in Qatar

On this page, we have displayed the price of gold today in all types of internationally recognized karats, in addition to the price of a kilo of gold in and the price of an ounce of gold in the Australian dollar currency, where you can see the prices directly, which helps you in analyzing and making better decisions.

Gold price calendar in Qatar